Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog #6

Anthony Capps is a former EDM 310 student who now teaches third grade at Gulf Shores Elementary School and uses what he learned in EDM 310 in his classroom. Prior to this assignment, I thought I understood the importance of Project Based Learning (PBL), but I learned a lot from the videos Project Based Learning Part 1 and Project Based Learning Part 2. I learned that PBL is an actual learning process rather than a test of what the students have learned. Mr. Capps also mentions how the projects sometimes meet several of the requirements that he must meet for state standards. I personally think that Common Core really limits how creative we can be in the classroom, so I definitely think that PBL is a great way to meet standards, inspire creativity, and allow student-student/student-teacher interaction all at the same time. I also learned how important it is to get feedback from the students. In the video, Mr. Capps mentions that he records his students' feedback so that he can continue to appeal to their taste, which is a really good idea. It is important to create projects that appeal to them in order to keep them interested.

Teacher working with a group of students


  1. Taylor,

    I really like the way your blog is set up. Its super cute! I too think that common core is a tad off. PBL is a great way to keep teaching the students through such a technology based time. PBL is a great idea and I definitely learned a lot more from watching the Capps videos. I loved that he allows the class to decide which letters should be sent off and such. Its a really good idea so that they learn how to peer edit and take constructive criticism. great post! :)


  2. Did you watch the other videos? If so, what did you learn?
